Pray Without Ceasing, What It Really Mean

When you consider all the things in life that interrupts us doing the course of a day, it has become our norm to be doing multiple things at one time. At work we get interrupted constantly doing our day, at home the children or our spouses may interrupt us. But most importantly our phones interrupt our communication with each other. What one person may view as an interruption another individual may view it as an opportunity, Some interruptions can be a blessing in disguise to help redirect our lives, an opportunity to rest, reset.

But there is a time when the Word of GOD does not want you to be interrupted and that’s when you are in prayer. GOD has already told us that we should have no other GOD but Him and when we are praying to Him, He desires our attention.

I wonder how many people wonder why their prayers aren’t being answered; could it be because you never finished your prayers. Once interrupted did you go back to finish your prayer. Remember when Jesus told the disciples how to pray, He ended His prayer with AMEN. Amen means trustworthy, verily, so be it. So, don’t forget to pray uninterrupted and close your prayers with Amen and see if obeying the scriptures makes a difference in your life.

If you are praying and you get interrupted by things in life. Start your prayer over, giving GOD full reverence and your full attention. Giving GOD honor and respect connects you to The Father and gets His undivided attention.

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