Faith Levels to Live By

I know that you may not have been taught that there are levels of faith to live by and that your level of faith determines your release of blessings, miracles, signs and wonders. Therefore in this post, I am attempting to open up your perception to identify 3 levels of faith.

  1. A GRAIN of Mustard Seed Faith: A Grain of Faith is when you come into the knowledge that GOD is real. He is the only True and Living GOD. You have come to know and believe that all things are possible to them that believe. You know that GOD is all powerful, all knowing and that you are no longer the same person you were before. You are now living a life a life believing GOD, believing in GOD and believing that GOD can. This is a heart of faith in GOD, you pray for GOD to bless you. You now live praying for a blessing.
  2. NOW FAITH: The Now Faith is your next level. This is where you have come to realize that you needed Jesus in you to get to GOD and that you need a greater level of faith in this world. Jesus is now in you and you are now speaking the Word when situations arise. Your belief is at a level where you now believe in the unseen. You’re waiting on manifestations of healing, deliverance, blessings. This is a faith that waits for the physical manifestation of things. This physical faith prays for GOD to open doors that are closed. You continuously pray the same believing prayers waiting on GOD to answer in Jesus name
  3. BY FAITH: By Faith is a level where you know without a shadow of a doubt that it is by faith that the unseen will be seen, the impossible will be made possible. You no longer live praying pledging for something to happen, you live everyday knowing that the Holy Spirit in you will speak when things aren’t going to happen and speak when it is time for them to happen. You are at a place in life that your life is a life of faith. Your mind, body and spirit is awakes in faith, not doubting what can happen throughout your day. You don’t pray to be healed, because you live healed. You have now entered into a realm of faith that you don’t have pray constantly about something because you know that GOD heard you the first time because you prayed it in Jesus name by the leading of the Holy Spirit. You know that it is by your faith that the answer was released from GOD and that by following the Holy Spirit it shall manifest. You know that the Spirit of Grace dwells in you and no matter where you go, GRACE BY FAITH is with you all the time.

No matter where your faith is today, KEEP BELIEVING, KEEP LISTENING, KEEP LEARNING, KEEP PRAYING. Each and everyone of us are growing, have grown and as long as you are growing all things are possible to them that believe.

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